Thursday, December 8th
I only have two pictures but I’m still devoting an entire post to THE INTEGRATRON!

You might remember a certain feature just a few miles from here involving a Giant Rock. If you read the article you know that the UFO conventions there were held by the guy who designed and built this piece of desert insanity: the Integratron. I have a hard time not writing or speaking that name without shouting it. It was built using no metal; all wood, glues and a concrete ring holding it together. You can see the big wood ribs that rise out of the earth, apparently built by shipbuilders. It’s a lovely building with superb acoustics.
It is also currently run by people who host “sound baths”, one of which I attended. A group of us went inside and all lay down in the 2nd story (the dome). One of the owners gave a brief talk about the history and then played 7 large quartz bowls by dragging something around the edge. If you’ve seen or played a “singing bowl” it was the same concept. The reverberations are quite strong and it was a strange but enjoyable experience. Seeing the building on its own is worth the price of admission and it was a great, weird last evening in the high desert.

Those red bows are amazing