
EarplugsAt times like this I wonder, “who am I expecting to read this blog?”  I have no idea.  It’s time for a post about earplugs.

If you ride motorbikes for any length of time you eventually read, are told or just figure out that the wind noise is loud and constant and that you should wear earplugs.  Driving in the city it’s not too bad, but you get to any decent speed and it starts to get LOUD.  That’s assuming your bike isn’t super loud to begin with.

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The Welcoming Badlands

New week’s resolution: post more frequent and smaller posts.  I’ll try to back-fill the journey here, but now it’s Monday, I’m in a shockingly nice room in a motel near the Badlands in South Dakota.  The giant window is open allowing cool, dry western air to breeze in.  This weekend’s driving involved a rain of bugs, a torrent of actual rain (with bonus lightning), leaking coolant in the middle of nowhere and hours of driving in 40-50mph wind.  So sitting here finishing my lunch late in a calm working day seems a bit surreal.

Home for this week
Home for this week