Wednesday, March 22nd – Monday April 3rd
Pictures from Christy showing me around her town!

Christy’s name for a big collection of food vendors in an old helicopter factory. This was right next to the delightful Snack Street.

So many tasty options, even a few without meat!

You know what we haven’t mentioned yet this post? Scooters!

There are lots of cars and some trucks but the most common method of transit is the electric scooter! This one is decked out with basket, scooter skirt (these frequently look children’s coats re-purposed), scooter mittens and a screen likely for rain protection. It rains a lot here.

It’s also not uncommon to see people scootering while just holding an umbrella. Many of these would totally fail here in the US, again because we drive so much faster. Slow things down and suddenly the rain is coming in at less of an angle and the wind is far less brutal.
Do you know what I love almost as much as scooters? Signs.

I spent some time trying to figure out a way around this sign, but it actually covers pretty much all non-powered options.

Ok, we’ve moved from signs to chalkboards, but The Southern Sloth is a restaurant near the sculpture factory that serves some craft beer and western style food. Frequent hangout for expats in the area.

I am finally catching up with your blog again. Thank you so much for sending the postcard (now weeks ago) – it was so fun to get it in the mail! Hope you are staying hydrated in Phoenix.